Thursday, May 28, 2015

About MoonBase 69

MoonBase 69 is an 3D real-time adult game, where you take control of the commander of a distant space station on the surface of a moon. Your mission is to ensure a quick population of this enclave.

The final game will be free, but you can financially support its development by pledging at the patreon campaign.

Story and Setting
After decades of continuous and fierce war the empire holds control over the entire solar system. In order to ensure further expansion, the High Council decided to send exploration missions to nearby systems. These are seen as a first step towards colonizing new planets and moons, they require crews with skills and knowledge to establish, maintain and expand the first manned structures. This includes the ability to (re)-produce and breed the new a new generation of humans that populate that populate the newly acquired space. This is supposed to be done with artificial wombs and breeding chambers.
You are the commander of mission number 69 and on your way to the moon of the planet Entai and you are responsible for ensuring a successful breeding. This may prove to be challenging, since the administration decided that the use of artificial methods is too unreliable. Therefore you have to achieve this goal by more natural means, however your all female crew was selected for other criteria than lewdness and sex drive. You have to find ways to convince your crew within 60 days that the classical way is the best way.

Game and Technology
The game is 3D-rendered and simulated in real time. The characters are customizable by using clothes and coloring as well as modification of the mesh itself during run-time. Each character follows and individual schedule that matches its profession. It also features an mod-able dialogue and quest system.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Apply for development support

If you wish to support the development by other means than the patreon campaign, you should read this post and either email me at adsgamedev[-at-] or leave a comment here. Your message should contain if you have any preference on what kind of content you want to create, what skills you have and what kind of work, if any, you have already done in.other (similar) projects.

I'll get in contact with you asap.